Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My art in photography

Travelling light

Travelling Light

Hi there,
Just thinking of reviving my blog. Its been two years since I last updated my blog due to business.
Why did I named my blog 'travelling light'?
This is because I believed that in this life we carry many baggage, baggage that are not meant for us to carry;
- our guilt
- our shame
- our fear
- our feeling of hopelessness, depression, anxiety
- our worry
So I am making a commitment to live this life without these extra baggage.
I also will add more pictures and share with you guys what had been happening in my life.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dragon eye

When to Dragon eye with Aloy, Amanda and Kah Choon's family. Thanks Kah Choon's dad and mum for treating us. Really pai seh. Really grateful ^_^

Dragon eye

Siu Long Pao

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Is it possible to have such a close intimacy with God? To consiously feel his presence troughout the day? To feel his presence in all of my waking life. To wake up, the first that come to my mind is him, to sustain me throughout the day, to sleep in the comfort of his presence.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Two Amandas

Was shocked the other day, never thought in this world got two Amanda Oii.

The Real Amanda

The look alike Amanda

What do you think?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Matang jungle trail in Sarawak

When I was back in Kuching, I went to jungle trail in Matang wildlife centre. The jungle trail is about half an hour journey with waterfall in the middle of the jungle. Also, I nearly get lost in the jungle. Anyway, I went there together with Jason (my best friend in S'wak), Daniel (my bro) and Amy (my sis). In the journey, I was leading the way and it is a fun experience. If any of you are interested to go there, please let me, if I'm back in Sarawak, I can bring you there. Here the pictures.

Tree bridge

ME goyang kaki at waterfall site

Me eating at the waterfall site

Tree bridge

The 3 siblings

Me in between. I know I know.. its a bad posing

Super huge pandan tree

The distant figure - my bro

My sis stuck between a log

Black shirt fellow - my bro

Jason with his silly grin

Apparently there line in the forest. Time to switch to Digi

Two thumb up. Me looking scary

It 180m we have gone, not 180m to go

Me, the leader of the pack